Monday, March 4, 2019

Modern: Technology and Social Networking Essay

It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. Albert Einstein 3.1. launchingHow are we to obtain the measure of the distance betwixt basic query and the essential technologies of the modern-day age? Are we in the process of building the bridge that will unite the two domains or is the gulf between them growing wider by the day? Reconciling the interested parties in each definitive way remains difficult as each face cigarette furnish multiple examples to support their perspective on the matter. by chance the best illumination washbowl be bring home the bacond through a backward approach that highlights numerous pertinent discoveries and in doing so clear up some(prenominal) of the fog that surrounds the debate.3.2. BACKGROUND CONDITIONSModern Technologies have do us slay slaves to gondolas. There is no work which cannot be done without the help of machines and there is not a single area of human act where machines dont have to be use d. No one can deny the fact that gadgets have not only simplified our lives exclusively to a fault made them more comfortable and luxurious. But on the contrary mans colony on them has increased so a lot that we just cannot do without them at all. If cabs go off the road we cannot put on our destinations. No cooking without LPG cylinder or cooking flame. No, we cant do even simple calculations, what to talk of washing without washing machine or electricity.If electricity fails, b say and butter for each one of us comes to a standstill as all gadgets are operated with it be it AC, TV, computer, a telephone, or any other modern appliance. Perhaps there were times when every work was done with hands be it grinding or traveling far off places. People were tough who could walk for miles and work ceaselessly. In modern times we cant ascend the stairs without tactility a burden over our stamina. Modern gadgets have completely transform the human liveliness and health to a great extent. It a fact that machines have become like servants without which life comes to a standstill.Thus we can say that our dependence on modern gadgets has made us complete slaves to machines and that we have lost our spirit to work and vitality, vigor and stamina and thus no more good health and cheerfulness and endurance prevails. This dependence on machines has transformed the very human psychology.All the biggest technological inventions created by man-the airplane, the automobile, the computer- says little with his intelligence, but speaks volume nearly his laziness A crank greetings of peace and love ladies and gentlemenWe have come to an era where every amour inconceivable for the by 50 years has been made possible and actual. Once a dream, in a flash a commodity. Once a prospect, now outdated. Once a thing of imagination, now an item of sensation. We can say that everything, I mean, everything, is now made available and accessible. Modernization takes a great part in t he life of people. Effects that these products brought affects every aspect of human life. The effects of these technologies can be bothh positive and negative. Technologies are designed to make mans life more easier. Technology makes communication more faster and easier.With the modern and modify equipments in our hospitals and other medical facilities, it saves more innocent lives. Transportation is similarly improved and more faster. Modern technologies are also used for security measures purposes. Crimes and other cases are easily solved with the help of these gadgets. But did we ever think that it could also destroy and degrades our very own life? Benfits also has its price, while it makes our lives and works easier to deal with, it can also have perturbing impacts to our lives.While some technologies are used in security purposes, some are also used to destroy security and peacefulness in the society. Lets talk about social networking now. Social networking is uncontrolle d these days. I am too have my own face disk account. Social networking helps communication more fasters, but are we aware of news regarding social networking? small-arm use social networkings to find prospective victims of their selfish desires. I had read news about these in the web. Security of users are not sensible and privacy is being invaded. Women are more prone to this kind of schemes. opus is the only living specie with boundless needs, but thankfully, with immeasurable subject to invent things and satisfy his insatiability. Technology accommodates every human and inhuman ask pampers every fancy of human fiber. Look around. People manipulate the purlieu to achieve practical goals goals that respond to their physiological drive. Technology is always about satisfaction, gratification and indulgence technology is about excess, as in unjustified entertainment of human needs.While new technology can provide advances for humanity, it can also have disturbing impacts. Our youth is the most conquerable to any unfavorable bearing technology may bring. With the flood of modern equipment, gadgets and devices, we are deprived of the basics and fundamentals and essentials of things we are estranged by sound judgment to determine what is right or wrong, what is appropriate or not, what is effective and not so.With the advent of PlayStation and the likes, who would prefer to gather around grannys cradle and listen to her old-age stories? Who would have the thought of grabbing a book and have the religious habit of reading when internet is inviting? Who would flip pages of cyclopaedia if they can just surf at Wikipedia and other educational portals? bypast are the days for serenades cellular phones radically take over the cause activity say goodbye to airmail electronic mails revolutionize the send system.

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